In this touching video, Mike Barko engages in a heartfelt conversation with Tyler at the 2017 Highland County Maple Festival. Tyler shares his profound experience of receiving forgiveness and welcoming Jesus into his heart. Tyler expresses his newfound faith and belief in Jesus, emphasizing the forgiveness he has received from both Jesus and God. He joyfully states that he has allowed Jesus into his heart, and from this moment forward, he will have the Lord with him every day for the rest of his life. Tyler's heartfelt confession and acceptance of God's grace demonstrate a powerful transformation. Mike and Tyler discuss the assurance of Tyler's place in heaven, with Tyler confidently expressing his belief that he is now on the path to eternal life. The video captures Tyler's positive emotions and newfound sense of self-worth, a direct result of his faith in Jesus. Tyler's testimony serves as a beautiful reminder of the transformative power of faith and forgiveness. He grants permission to use the video to share his story and the message of salvation, highlighting the profound impact of this encounter on his life. This video is a testament to the life-changing experience of accepting Jesus Christ as one's Savior and finding forgiveness, hope, and purpose in the journey of faith.


3/20/20171 min read