In this video recorded by Mike Barko at James Madison University, we witness a transformative moment in the life of a student named Reed Bundy. Reed shares his experience and newfound faith in Jesus Christ. Reed begins by introducing himself and describing his encounter with Mike Barko. He mentions receiving a bracelet with different colors and how Mike explained the significance of each color in relation to growth, sin, and the blood that Jesus sacrificed for humanity. This conversation led Reed to make a life-changing decision. Reed expresses that through his encounter with Mike, he decided to give his life to God. He acknowledges that this act allows God to live through him and offers him a fresh start, with a commitment to do better for himself while aligning his actions with God's purpose. During the conversation, Reed reflects on his previous beliefs about getting into heaven, based on having a good heart, close family relationships, and good intentions and values. However, he learns from Mike that these factors do not justify human shortcomings. Reed realizes the importance of humility and faith in Jesus, who died for our sins. Reed's transformation is evident as he explains that he has transferred his trust from his own actions to trusting in Jesus. He now believes in God and has the assurance of eternal life. He describes his feelings as being cleansed and more positive, emphasizing the profound impact of this newfound faith on his heart. The video captures a moment of spiritual awakening and transformation, as Reed chooses to trust in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. His testimony serves as a testament to the power of encounters that lead individuals to reevaluate their beliefs and commit their lives to God.


2/12/20191 min read