MATT (2013-02-26)J.M.U.

Matt was initially 60-70% sure of eternal life stating that he had to 'forgive his dad and his brother' before he got to 100% sure. Matt understood this day, that by trying to add this work to Christ's blood, he was saying that Jesus' blood was 'not good enough'. Matt understood the gospel and professed Christ alone as his savior, "I am now 100% sure of eternal life because of Christ's blood." After professing his new faith to God in prayer, Matt said, "I have a conviction in my heart that I need to call my brother and my dad. I feel love in my heart." Isn't God amazing? Initially, Matt was thinking he had to 'forgive' to get to 100% sure, unknowingly adding to Christ's finished work on the cross. By God's grace, he trusted Christ alone to save Him and got to 100%. Now being saved by faith alone in Christ alone, what was the first thing that the Spirit of God prompted him to do? Reach out to his brother and father! Faith alone in Christ alone by grace alone saves us. NOTHING ELSE ADDED! Once we truly trust Christ to save us, THE WORKS FOLLOW! This is an AMAZING EXAMPLE of PROPER FAITH/WORKS THEOLOGY! GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!


2/26/20131 min read