JIMMY 2012 08 08 A C F

Jimmy was 'pretty low' on a scale of 0-100 that he would go to Heaven because he was 'not too much of a believer'. After sharing the law, I asked Jimmy how he could pay for his sins. He said that he could, 'confess, try to make amends, and try to help others'. After using the dessert illustration, Jimmy understood that by trying to pay for his sins he was 'not trusting Jesus' blood payment'. After sharing the entire gospel, Jimmy professed that he was 100% sure of eternal life because Jesus' blood had paid for his sins and the resurrection was proof that his payment was enough. After prayer, Jimmy said that his heart felt 'better' and that Jesus had 'guaranteed me eternal life in Heaven.' After reading John 6:47, I asked him, "When does Jesus say you have eternal life?" Jimmy's response? "NOW."


8/8/20121 min read