

Mike Barko shares five impactful stories that exemplify individuals moving in the right spiritual direction. He recaps his engagements throughout the week, including downtown courthouse sessions, J.M.U. outreach efforts, and holding the cross on route 33. Mike highlights personal encounters that highlight profound transformations and spiritual shifts. From Mike's conversations with Mike, Jonathan, Faith, Kiara, to Cheyenne, each individual navigates a unique journey towards understanding their need for Christ and embracing faith. These stories illustrate the transformative power of the Gospel and showcase individuals making pivotal decisions to follow Christ. The post closes with gratitude and a reminder of God's faithful presence.


Mike Barko

4/15/20235 min read

Here are five stories from the past week about 'Moving in the Right Direction.'

Wednesday.... saw Karen and myself downtown in front of the courthouse.

Thursday... we also were sharing at J.M.U.

Friday... we held the cross on route 33, while Paul Collins and Paul McKeon shared the Gospel at J.M.U.

Favorite stories and pictures follow. Enjoy.

Moving in the Right Direction

Sunday night I received a text from Mike. I had met Mike a few months ago while sharing the Gospel on court square. He responded and prayed to receive Christ as His Savior. I then took him to a church fellowship lunch with some other brothers. Mike had recently gotten out of jail.

I called Mike on Monday. He had been living with his grandfather in Woodstock, about 45 minutes from where I live. He couldn't find a job there, but found one here in Harrisonburg at Taco Bell. He told me that he wanted to start doing the right thing and needed help.

Salvation Army was full. He had money for a few nights at the Howard Johnson's, which was a few hundred yards from the Taco Bell. Mike has no car.

Myself and another brother from our church put him up for a few more nights at the hotel. I told Mike that he needed to progress spiritually if we were going to help him materially. Brother Don Tutweiler picked him up at 545 a.m. on Thursday and took him to our church prayer meeting.

I am proud of Mike. He is moving in the right direction after receiving Christ. Please pray for Mike. We can't keep paying for a hotel.


Moving in the Right Direction (x2)

I met Jonathan about a year ago and shared the Gospel with him. He was attending our church at the time.

I saw him again this past Wednesday and was able to share the Gospel with him again. Here is what he told me after I shared with him...

'He made me feel better,...I have been thinking too much. The stress is going away because I have been thinking I can save myself. I have been running to hide because I wasn't believing in Him. Yes, I am (going to Heaven) cause of Jesus.'

Jonathan came out with me on Friday to hold the cross. He was with me for 3 1/2 hours and was very thankful for the experience. Please pray that Jonathan helps me again. I also pray that he meets me at church tomorrow morning.


Moving in the Wrong Direction (Turned around literally!) now Moving in the Right Direction

Not too long after Jonathan showed up, Faith walked across the street and came right over to talk with us.

Faith was 70% sure of going to Heaven and was 'unusually eager' to hear how she could be 100% sure. I told her, 'With a name like Faith, you gotta be sure!'

I don't remember the specifics, but I do remember a few times her eyes filled with tears as she heard the wonderful words of life. When I finished, Faith said she was 'ready' to trust Christ as her Savior.

Faith told the Lord 'thank you' in her prayer, and then she told me there were some things I shared that she needed to hear.

I then asked her why she came out to the median...

'I actually drove by you guys earlier, turned around and came back.'

God really does allow U-turns, spiritually and physically...

Please pray for Faith. She replied INTERESTED about coming to a J.M.U. bible study.


Moving in the Right Direction (Just Started)

I met Kiara downtown after sharing with Jonathan. I was amazed at the flow of people. Nine people in a little over three hours. Karen was busy the whole time as well. It just seemed like it was 'all of the Lord'. Blessed and thankful.

This encounter was really special. Kiara was 'not sure' she would go to Heaven. She knew that 'God forgives', but thought he forgave because 'I try to do better, don't repeat what I did'...

Kiara needed to hear the Gospel. Full presentation with her is available upon request. (I want to keep this shorter.)

After hearing the Gospel and trusting Christ, I asked her...

Mike: "Did God do anything here for you today?"

Kiara: 'Yes, I believe so. I needed to hear that. I've been leaning on self too much. I forgot...I need Him...I can't do it myself. I feel really good right now...I feel loved...Like God sees me...He didn't forget me. I believe God sent you here for me. I was very anxious...very stressed out. I'm not anxious right now. I could care less if they see me right now. I'm normally anxious about that. I'm 100% (sure of Heaven)...He died for my sins...He paid the price for me.'

Here is a one minute video testimony from Kiara:


Moving in the Right Direction... Just Started Spiritually (Help her to know Physically!)

I met Cheyenne at J.M.U. on Thursday. She is from Toronto, Canada and plays on the J.M.U basketball team. She told me just three hours previous she had made a decision to leave the school and the team. I believe that she is a freshman.

She initially told me she thought she would go to Heaven because she helped people and was a good person. After hearing the good person test, Cheyenne became 0% sure of going to Heaven.

She still thought she needed to 'do something', until God showed her that He took her 'spiritual death' on the cross. I was asking a round of questions along this line and she spoke up...

'He took my spiritual death.'

My goal is for them to see the truth without me telling them.

Cheyenne wanted to trust in Christ as her Savior and prayed with me...

Cheyenne: 'He gave me spiritual birth. He took away my sins and gave them to Christ. I put my trust in God.'

Mike: "How does your heart feel?"

Cheyenne: 'If I'm being completely honest...free...It was heavy with anxiety...now gratitude...100%...My trust is in God.'

Her prayer at the end...

'Thank you for setting me free...
giving me eternal life...
and helping me trust you.'

Cheyenne's grandmother is a strong Christian back in Canada. I told her to share with her about her decision to leave the school and also her decision to trust in Christ as her Savior. I believe grandma and the Holy Spirit can take it from here. Please pray for Cheyenne.


What a blessed week sharing the Gospel!

Thank you Holy Spirit!

Thank your for your prayers!

My love to you all!
