Full Presentation And More...

Full Presentation And More...

Mike Barko's latest blog post reflects on yet another week of sharing the Gospel and experiencing the grace of God. He invites readers to watch a new Gospel presentation video with Patience and encourages feedback. The post shares a report from Eric Kabler, who had an impactful Gospel-sharing experience in Ormond Beach, Florida, similar to his previous experience with Mike. The week's encounters included sharing with Hispanic laborers in Spanish, witnessing Diego's transformation from self-reliance to trusting Christ, and seeing Michael, who had previously encountered the Gospel, experience a powerful reconfirmation. Mike also recounts Karen's inspiring encounter with Emily, including a special connection with Emily's service dog, Ellie. The post concludes with a message of gratitude for prayers and support.


Mike Barko

5/15/20235 min read

Greetings Beloved:

By the continued mercies of God, we enjoyed another blessed week of sharing the Gospel.

For those of you who enjoyed the FULL GOSPEL VIDEO PRESENTATION, here is a new one from Wednesday on court square with a young lady named Patience:

Let me know what you think.

For those of you who enjoy reading the stories and viewing the pictures, here are my favorite stories from the week:


Do you remember reading a newsletter sent October 22nd of last year entitled, A FISHING TRIP WITH MIKE?

It was written by my dear partner and friend Eric Kabler, from Johnstown, PA. He wrote about his three day experience as he shadowed me sharing the Gospel at Ocean City, Md.

Good news! I just got a report from Eric, who was recently in Ormond Beach, Florida. Here is his report:

'I did some sharing on the beach last week. I ran out of bracelets...lol. My son, Abraham, was with me so lots of blessings happened.

I forgot my book so it was more challenging, however, shared with almost 40 people, gave away my 26 bracelets, and had 22 of them praying and accepting/trusting Jesus. I targeted younger folks. I also tried sharing without bracelets, which went better than expected.

I made friends with Matt, who worked at the condo. When Abraham and I went out to share, we caught him on break. He said, "I heard about this stuff but never understood how it all worked out. It all makes sense now."'



Wednesday on court was really 'out of this world'. It seemed like it was all 'of the Holy Spirit'. For sake of time, I won't share everything.

Before I even got to my normal spot, I encountered a large group of Hispanic laborers on break, renovating an adjacent building. I decided to share the Gospel with all seven.

We all have comfort zones. I like to retreat inside of mine and hide. How would I share the Gospel in Spanish, with seven people, open air style?

I launched out anyway. We all laughed a lot, entertained by the smiling American evangelist, shouting short 'Spanish religious phrases' describing the colors on the bracelet....(Oro!...Cielo!...Negro!...Pecado!...)

There was much joy. Everyone seemed to be understanding...'YOU NO BUENO!...DIOS BUENO!' (You no good!...Only God is good!)

One guy kept saying he was 'BUENO' (Good)...I kept saying with a big smile, 'NO BUENO...LOQUISIMO IN DA CABEZA!' (No good!...He is crazy in the head!)

I got through all the Gospel colors in simple Spanish style...(You can see the guy on the right pointing to the guy in the middle...everyone was laughing at (with) him because he kept saying he was BUENO!)


Whatever the Lord did in their hearts (He knows), I know one thing. It put much joy in my heart and caused me to keep things simple for the day. Little did I know that I was to share with people all the way from New York and Philadelphia.

Chris and his cousin Diego showed up from New York. Chris translated the entire presentation in Spanish to Diego. I sensed that Chris was a mentor to Diego, who had a lot of problems.

After hearing the whole presentation, Diego was still 70%...'I will try to obey Him.' (God was giving him a desire to change, but he was still trusting Himself.)

The light came on for Diego as Chris translated to him. He wanted to trust in Christ and prayed with me...

Diego: '100%...I believe in Jesus'.

Chris: 'He solved the problem for Diego.'


Michael came down from Philadelphia to visit his two children. After hearing the Gospel, he met the Holy Spirit in front of a courthouse in Virginia. Tears, tears, and more tears began to stream down his face...

'Oh man!...He reassured me and convicted me at the same time...I don't believe in coincidences...by giving me this message again. It is confirmation all over again. Basically stopping me in my tracks...for you to be here...I'm at a loss for words...100%...I believe in Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior...(My heart feels lighter, less stress and worry...there was a huge burden on my heart.)

We got down on our knees and prayed at the end...

'Today, I fully trust in you and I lean not on my own understanding. I love you so much, thank you.'


The full presentation video was with Patience, my last encounter for the day. Her testimony after praying to trust Christ was so very special:

'Yes, sir, I've been ignoring the Holy Spirit. I've been ignoring Him. He brought you here right now for me to start working on it. (My heart feels) out of control for right now, but also safe and secure by love...100%...I believe that Jesus is God and that He died on the cross for my sins.'



Wednesday was flowing in the joy and power of the Holy Spirit. Thursday was a reminder of how much I need Him. I did have two blessed encounters, but I will forgo sharing these with you and will instead share one of Karen's encounters, which moved her in a special way.

We'll call it...THE DOG CONNECTION

Karen met a student named Emily in the food line with her brown Labradoodle Ellie. Karen got very excited...

'Hey, that's the same dog from the video in life group last week!'

Karen and Emily laughed as they watched the video together. When Karen learned that Ellie was her service dog, she requested permission to pray for her medical condition. Emily responded with an enthusiastic, 'Yes!'

The Holy Spirit then led Karen to set up in a different location. Yes, just as Karen was finishing setting up, she turned around, and saw..

Emily and Ellie!...(Now comes theGod Connection!)

Emily responded with the same enthusiastic 'Yes!', this time for the bracelet! (I believe Ellie wanted one too,I think she wagging her tail...LOL)

Emily was trusting in her works...'I'm a good person...go to church...work with my youth group'

Karen used the ten commandments to show Emily that she was not good. She then presented the person and work of Jesus Christ alone.

Before we pray to trust Christ, we need to make sure the personreally understands the Gospel. When Karen checked for understanding, Emily repeated the same works based answers as at the very beginning...'Good person...go to church..'

Prompted by the Holy Spirit, Karen said something which she doesn't even recall, and the Holy Spirit opened Emily's understanding...

'Oh, Jesus died for me!'

Before leaving, Emily expressed deep gratitude for her new understanding of the Gospel. Her eyes also lit up as Karen explained that perhaps she had heard this at such a young age as to keep her from some of the painful lessons Karen had to learn in her own life.


Looking in the picture, do you get the message...(hint...hint)?
