Full Gospel Presentation

Full Gospel Presentation...

Mike Barko shares his recent experiences and plans. He mentions heading to Asheville, NC, to celebrate his birthday with family. He briefly outlines his activities during the week: sharing the Gospel with Inge and Kayla downtown, spreading the message at J.M.U., and holding the cross with Thomas Yardley. Mike shares a video recorded by Karen during a Gospel conversation with Inge and Kayla, expressing hope that readers can watch it and share their thoughts. Inge and Kayla both share their experiences of being saved and their deep connection with Jesus. Mike concludes with gratitude for love, prayers, and support from his readers.


Mike Barko

4/29/20231 min read

Greetings Beloved:

I am heading out to spend a few days in Asheville, Nc with my mom, sisters, and their families. We will celebrate my birthday on Sunday.

Wednesday, Karen and I were downtown. Thursday, we shared the Gospel at J.M.U. and Friday I held the cross. Thomas Yardley, whom Paul Collins had shared with in December, came out to help me hold the cross. The Lord has been moving in Thomas' life in a very special way.

Karen recorded this video on Wednesday as I shared with Inge and Kayla. I hope that you can watch it. I do not have time to comment on it, but maybe you can watch it and then send me your comments! Thank you!

Here is what they said after Karen turned the video off and I got their contact information:

Inge: "He did...He saved me...by giving me His love...(My heart feels)...very good...indescribable...makes me happy...pretty sure...like 100%...I love Jesus...Jesus loves us."

Kayla: "Yes, He did...He saved me...He loves me...happy...100%...I'm saved...Jesus died on the cross for me and took all my punishment."


Soli Deo Gloria!

Thank you for you love, prayers, and support!
