I got to share the gospel with eight players from the Pendleton County Wildcats High School football team. The entire team was 80,50,90,85,80,90,80,85% sure of eternal life. They thought they could pay for their sins by 'asking for forgiveness' and 'praying'. The team understood this day that by trying to pay for their sins, instead of simply trusting the blood, they were saying that the blood of Jesus was 'not good enough'. After hearing the gospel, each professed 100% assurance of eternal life because of Christ alone. After prayer, Isaac said, "HE FORGAVE US FOR OUR SINS!" After I finished sharing, the Lord sent another player from the team: Matthew. Matthew was 70% sure of eternal life. I shared the gospel with him and the first group got to hear the gospel a SECOND TIME! Matthew thought he could pay for his sins by 'going to church'. After hearing the gospel, Matthew professed 100% assurance of eternal life because of Christ alone. (Continued on another video)


9/14/20121 min read