In this heartfelt and passionate video captured by Mike Barko, Erik delivers a powerful sermon at the foot of the Cross, sharing the profound message of God's love and salvation. Erik begins by emphasizing the central theme of God's love, quoting the famous verse from John 3:16, reminding everyone that God's love extends to all, including each person watching the video. He speaks of the incredible sacrifice made by God when He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, for the salvation of humanity. Erik's words resonate with sincerity and warmth as he continuously expresses, "God loves you so much." Throughout the video, Erik's words are infused with a deep sense of compassion and urgency. He encourages viewers to accept God's blessings and understand that the greatest blessing one can receive is to know God personally. Quoting John 17, he highlights that eternal life is found in knowing God through Jesus Christ. Erik takes a moment to connect the message with the viewers, reminding them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. He emphasizes that God's love for them is so immense that He willingly allowed humans to crucify His own Son. Despite the betrayal and cruelty, Jesus uttered the words, "Father, forgive them," exemplifying His immense love for humanity. Erik reiterates that the love of God extends even to those who have turned their backs on Him, emphasizing that God does not desire anyone to perish. His heartfelt plea invites individuals to acknowledge their need for God's forgiveness and to make peace with Him. As the video progresses, Erik passionately addresses the uncertainty of life and the importance of seeking God today, as no one knows what tomorrow holds. He speaks to the eternal nature of the soul, emphasizing that while the body dies, the soul lives on and transitions into the eternity of God's presence. Erik's message is clear: turn to God and accept His love, grace, and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. He reassures viewers that God loves them and desires to save them from eternal separation. He shares the hope of eternal life in God's paradise and concludes by encouraging viewers to open the door of their hearts to Jesus. This video captures a moving and passionate message of God's love and salvation, delivered by Erik with a genuine desire to see souls saved and reconciled with their Creator. It serves as an inspiring reminder of the depth of God's love and His longing for a relationship with every individual.


4/20/20221 min read