In this video recorded by Mike Barko, we witness a profound and heartfelt encounter with a student named Elliot from James Madison University. Elliot shares a deeply personal and moving testimony of his journey towards accepting Christ into his life. As Elliot begins his story, he reflects on recent struggles and challenges he has faced, noting that he had been feeling good and accomplished. However, something was missing. It wasn't until he crossed paths with Mike Barko that his perspective began to shift. Elliot explains how Mike's message reminded him of the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. He shares that he realized he needed to surrender everything to God's truth and accept this gift. This revelation led to a change of heart and perspective, and he vividly describes the overwhelming emotions he experienced in that moment. The video captures Elliot's powerful transformation as he shifts from seeking temporary feelings of goodness to understanding the profound love and grace offered by God. He emphasizes the importance of trusting Jesus and accepting the simple truth of His sacrifice. Mike engages in a deep conversation with Elliot, exploring his initial doubts and fears about heaven and purity of heart. Elliot's newfound faith in Jesus and the purity of his heart through God's grace bring him peace and a sense of being loved. Elliot concludes with a heartfelt prayer, thanking God for the truth He has revealed and expressing his gratitude for never giving up on him. He acknowledges the importance of living a life in service to Christ, regardless of the circumstances. This video serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative impact of faith, grace, and God's love. Elliot's journey from doubt to faith is a testament to the power of encountering the Gospel and the profound change it can bring to one's heart and perspective.


4/6/20191 min read