ELAINE VID20130423)J.M.U.

In this video, we meet Elaine, a student at James Madison University, who had a meaningful conversation with Mike Barko on campus. Elaine shares her thoughts on the gospel message she received from Mike. She mentions that they discussed how her sins are fully paid for by the blood of Jesus Christ. Elaine expresses her happiness and gratitude for this revelation. Mike, too, appears joyful about the conversation. Elaine's conviction shines through when she confidently states that she is 100% sure of her salvation. She attributes this assurance to the fact that her sins have been paid in full through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Her heart is filled with gladness as a result of this newfound understanding. This video captures a genuine and transformative moment where faith and belief are strengthened, showing the positive impact that conversations about the gospel can have on individuals, even on a college campus.


4/23/20131 min read